Monday, 13 July 2015


Recently, I had an opportunity to go on a compulsory 3-day rest. No Facebook, Twitter, Emails, WhatsApp, BBM, SMS, call or Viber! But come to think of it, the woman close to my heart made me go on the compulsory rest and I’m now feeling like I unilaterally decided on my own. Funny me! Some things came to my mind before, during, and after the rest which I will share with us in this article. It is good to be hardworking. However, we need to continually apply wisdom as we work diligently, regardless of whether we are an employee or self-employed. Everyone who has ever worked with me in any area can testify that I can be a hardened workaholic. I enjoy working, being busy, and achieving good results in all that I do. This automatically requires my diligence and hard work. To God be the glory, I don’t fall sick, use drugs, or get admitted to a hospital if I rest when I’m supposed to. Note that the words ‘REST’ and ‘SLEEP’ are different. Rest means a period of inactivity or relaxation, while sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind characterized by altered consciousness and relatively inhibited sensory activity. It is the inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles and reduced interactions with surroundings. (Source: Wikipedia) Many of us, even the older generations, have been victims of inadequate rest. If we take a random poll, some people will confess how inadequate rest has affected them. What does rest do for us or in us? It helps us to retain a state of increased calmness, or otherwise reduce levels of pain, anxiety, stress, or anger. It decreases muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, and slows heart and breath rates amongst other health benefits. I’m sure some of you will be surprised to realize all these health benefits of rest. Guess what happened when I went on the compulsory 3-day rest. I didn’t die because I didn’t work. And none of the work I was doing stopped. Church services never stopped because I was away, and I didn't develop ear problems from not using my phone for days like I used to. Try to take some rest. The only way to maintain a car or mechanical equipment is proper servicing. Likewise, human beings need maintenance which takes the form of rest. “If you fail to rest, you might be laid to rest while the rest of us will do the rest of the work and still achieve the best results”. If your absence will affect the workflow or activities wherever you work, or have a role to play, then you have failed. A good and successful leader reproduces himself or herself so their absence doesn't prevent work from being done. The Bible says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. But don't tempt God because He's our healer. Since God promised me perfect health and told me to rest when I should, I can't remember the last time I used Paracetamol or Vitamin C. When I'm tired, I drink a lot of water, eat enough vegetables and fruits, and rest. Even God who is our Creator and maker worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Wow! The one who gives us strength also took time to rest after working. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11 KJV And on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had made, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Genesis 2:2-3 KJV If He who you draw strength from rested on the 7th day after working full time for 6 days, then who are you not to rest? Rest! Rest!! Rest!!! It will help you give out a better output and maintain good, healthy habits. If you don't take a break now, you might break down. Rest now, do not wait till you are forced to rest. AYODEJI ANIFOWOSE Twitter: @gfatherghusband Instagram: @gfather_ghusband, @ayodeji.anifowose Facebook:, E-mail:

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